Moving Baltic Sea Moving Baltic Sea Moving Baltic Sea
Photographs by Nadja Bülow


July 11th, 2008 by Miriam · 3 Comments

Friday night. Zeiman’s club. Cross the bridge from Dluga Street, take a left into the ruins, steer around the puddles or jump them or swim them, pass by the old storage halls with threatening barks coming out of them (please don’t ever release that dog!) and take another right next to the beautiful old ship [...]


Tags: Gdansk

Witamy Gdansk!

July 11th, 2008 by Nadina · No Comments

“Is this also sailing?” Suzana, our MBS boss, is really irritated. And she is right. After 2 ½ days of sailing on the open Baltic Sea, and being used to action, wind, rain or being sick this unknown kind of slow motion towards Gdansk feels like standing still. No wind, no sea sawing, nothing to [...]


Tags: Gdansk