Moving Baltic Sea Moving Baltic Sea Moving Baltic Sea
Photographs by Nadja Bülow

Paul’s post

August 19th, 2008 by Paul · No Comments

Probably the main impression from this trip is the reminiscene of so called ‘stroy otriadu’ (*building team), existed during the soviet time and represented one of the most rememberable type of spending time for soviet students and youth. Well-known by the parents’ retellings, not by own experience this segment of soviet mythology still presents in the conscience of young russians. The main difference of this affair from soviet example in type of production. ‘Stroy otriadu’ were to fell the wood, to built the huge highways, to say shorter, to construct an utopia. Nowadays youth probably occupied with the reproducing themselves, and it is connected with the cultural turning point, happened in XX century, when industrial type of labour was changed by immaterail one. All the rest – swimming, songs near fireplace, drinking alcohol and shifts for cooking and housekeeping – quite similar. Probably the main part of this type of affairs - collective labour and common space for individual activities – were saved after all disenchantments of XX century. Also the point of internationality of the team, as a rule interpretated just as a possibility of language practice, makes me to remember the main left-wing precept. I could be wrong, but for me this essential points are more important than environmental rhetoric or harmless cartoons about nothing. It could be the festival against the destructing of ozon layer or festival dedicated to barocc music as well. Probably the main thing is the possibility of international interaction of youth, not laoded by the imperatif of making money. And that’s why this experience could be called exceptional.

Paul Arsenev, editor of almanach ‘Translit’

Category: Off-shore

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