Moving Baltic Sea Moving Baltic Sea Moving Baltic Sea
Photographs by Nadja Bülow

German boys, welcome to Gdańsk!

July 12th, 2008 by Anna · 1 Comment

Meeting point - Golden Gate in Gdańsk. Moving Baltic Sea team is half of Sailors Parade. At the front Polish singing sailors, our pirates just after them. Music and colors.
Suddenly a lot of flying ants appeared.
– Will be raining more than normally – an old sailor walking with us is more than sure. Even not five minutes later first huge drops felt down. So music, colors and water.
- They are so beautiful! They are smiling even while it’s raining! – maybe 80-years-old lady started to talk with me. – Where are they from?
- Most of them from Germany – I answered.
Long moment of silence.
- From… Germany? – she stopped looking into my eyes.
- Yes, smiling Germans.
- Beautiful. So happy. So… peace between our nations, right?
- Since a long time…
- Since now. For me… They are smiling like our boys!
An old lady decided to join the Parade. With small dog, Zuzi, in her arms. Zuzi is afraid of music, running around on stilt people and more and more strong rain.
Janosh, Enrico and Manuel are standing just next to us.
- And this boys are so sweet! Look at their eyes. Also Germans?
- Also.
We stopped in one dry gate for some minutes. Tim is rolling his cigarette.
Lady is with us.
– He is doing his cigarette like our boys, during the war… Exactly like our boys. Welcome to my Gdańsk, boys. Yes, I will visit Długa Street later to see more of your festival. I will just take my Zuzi home.

Category: Gdansk

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Kate // Jul 14, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    - You know…- she says to her - because I even think that because of that war their (read: Germans) are better for us (read: Polish), softer.
    They give us more careness.

    - really? - other girl is suprised.

    - yes, really. We all have learned what we shoouldn’t do and how we shouldn’t behave.

    - as well as in politics, as well as in personal relation…yes, that could be right - other one admits.

    personal relations…, Ania, really?

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